MOLSLINJEN - Your ferry in Denmark


The shipping company MOLSLINJEN is the biggest shipping company inside Denmark, which operates nine ferry routes all over Denmark, such as MOLSLINJEN, BORNHOLMSLINJEN, ALSLINJEN, LANGELANDSLINJEN, SAMSØLINJEN and FANØLINJEN.

In co-operation with MOLSLINJEN we offer special fees on certain routes.

We offer rebates on the following routes:
    Bøjden – Fynshav (ALSLINJEN)
  • Spodsbjerg – Tårs (LANGELANDSLINJEN)

Contact FDE in order to make an agreement, if you want to obtain rebate on these routes.

As soon as you have entered an agreement with FDE, we create a customer number, which you have to use for future bookings.

For booking use the contact details underneath.

Tlf. +45 70 25 10 25

Find your contact person here

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